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The funds raised will create a self-sustaining impact driven project through provision of training on modern farming methods and farm inputs to youths to improve productivity and profits. The farm inputs will be given on credit whose loan will be repaid with 20% interest upon harvest. This will increase the number of beneficiaries with time.
Mposa Youth Farmers Fund
0.3 % funded
Campaign expired 0 Days left (Fixed 60days duration)
$2991.06 to go
0.3 %

Total Needed: $3,000.00

Project Owner

John Mphalo

John's Story

TA Mposa, Machinga is a rice farmers dominated area. However, young farmers rarely benefit from their hard work due to lack of inputs and excessive use of traditional means of farming.

Cost Break Down

Farm inputs - 2000 Training in modern methods of farming - 600 Transportation of farm inputs - 400

Project Time Line

Impact will be assessed after initial 3 year period.