Responsive image
The project seeks to nurture at least 60 youthful Agri-Business Entrepreneurs in the first cohort and will be scaling up in response to the impact and need. The youths will be trained in business start, brand creation, value addition and marketing. The trainees will become mentors of fellow youths in scaling the project. The target beneficiaries will be within the age ranges 13 - 24 and undergo a face to face training for 40 days after which they will be required to implement what they learnt
Scaling Hope
4.1 % funded
Campaign expired 0 Days left (Fixed 60days duration)
$4796.13 to go
4.1 %

Total Needed: $5,000.00

Project Owner

Nenani Mkuzi

Nenani's Story

The project will be implemented in Group Village Headman Chamanga, Traditional Authority Ngabu, Chikwawa district. This is a disaster prone are that has endured all cyclones that hit Malawi in 2022 in addition to drought and floods. The project primarily responds to rising levels of unemployment and tough socio-economic situations. Beneficiaries will be identified using a system which will transparently engage Chiefs and village level development structures including the Youth Networks and Village Development Committees (VDCs).

Cost Break Down

Trainings - $3,000 Business Start-up - $1,000 Marketing, value addition and visibility - $1,000

Project Time Line

The initial project duration is 6 months